Thursday, January 26, 2012

Coaster Tiles!

I have seen many posts on Pinterest and craft websites for Coaster Tiles!

Put simply, they are bathroom (or kitchen) tiles that you attach scrapbook paper and use for coasters!

When George and I bought this house, I looked all over the place for coasters and never found the right ones!

It was a sign! Now I can make my own! Even more of a sign, George removed some of the white back splash tiles from our kitchen last year when he put in the new window, and he STILL HAD THEM!

I thought I'd have to buy new ones, but crafting and recycling........ sign me up!

Since our tiles are used, there was some outstanding grout around the edges. Georgie so kindly scraped it off for me. :)

Since the coasters had a smooth shiny surface, I spent some time scuffing them up. I porous surface takes glue much better than a smooth one!

For the paper, I chose two different but coordinating patterns.

Cutting the paper to size was by far the hardest part. If you try this, no doubt it will be easy as pie for you! I am a bit special when it comes to cutting in a straight line! I ended up placing the tiles upside down and cutting, that way they'd be bigger and need to be trimmed rather than being too short.

After all the cutting, I used my favorite Mod Podge to glue the paper down to the tile. Make sure you get the edges really well!

After letting them dry for 20 minutes or so, paint the Mod Podge all over to seal them from the top.

Don't forget, it's completely normal for the Mod Podge to be white when first painted on, but it dries clear and shiny! When they are drying, watch for edges curling and hold them down for a few moments, if they do.

After they are dry, take them outside and spray with clear coat.

Make sure you get the top and the edges!

After that dries, cut some felt and attach it to the back of the coasters with a hot glue gun.

And then you're done!

Perfect coasters, just my style :)


  1. How flippin' cute is that?!?! Love it!

  2. How lovely! What would we do without Pinterest? What a great project. I will attempt for sure.
