Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Teacup Candles!

Hello Everyone!

Today on the blog, I am showing my first Martha Stewart Craft!

During Christmas, I was looking for some handmade gifts to create and I found this tutorial for Teacup Candles! Then a few weeks later I happen to find some adorable mini teacups at Vinnies!

Here's what you need.

Candles to melt down
Candle Wicks
Wick Sustainers

Wooden Skewers
Double Boiler
Candy Thermometer

I wanted to get half used candles from vinnies or goodwill because I like recycling but I couldn't find them. I ended up buying $1 candles at Michael's. I also found wicks that were already in sustainers, so I bought them together instead of separately.

For a double boiler, I always use two pans on top of the other, because I don't own an actual double boiler

The first thing you do is melt the candles. You'll want to bring the water in the bottom pan to a boil then reduce to a simmer. When you place the candles in the pot and they start melting, use the candy thermometer to keep the temperature to around 185 degrees to prevent burning.

Use the tongs to remove the old wicks.

Bend the top of the wicks around the skewer. Then use the skewer to dip the wick and sustainer into the melted wax and place it in the bottom of the tea cup.

When the wax is fully melted, pour evenly into the cups leaving 1/2 to an inch at the top.

Then let them harden for about 1 hour.
After that time, you'll notice that they wax doesn't harden evenly. To even it out, Martha suggests to poke holes around the wicks about 1/16 of an inch and then fill the cups with more melted wax until almost full, and let set again.

Of course, I didn't have enough wax to do this, so I just ended up with uneven wax! But as is my style, I like them un-perfect!

My Grandma collects old teacups, so I'm sending them with my mom to Florida to give to her!

I hope she likes them!

I loved making candles, so I'll definitely be making more in the future.
I'm pretty sure I ruined my sauce pan by melting wax in it, so it's really the only use I have left for it!

:) Happy Crafting!!

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