Tuesday, January 10, 2012

T-Shirt Flowers!

And now it's time for the long awaited blog post for Tshirt flowers!!! These are the flowers that I used on my Yarn Wreath.

Once again this is a Pinterest inspired post (follow me - Shawniepatrica) and here is the site that I used to make them my first time.

Okay, here's what you need:

A tshirt in the color of your choice (this project needs about 2 inches across the bottom of any Tshirt - both front and back - and maybe a little bit of a 2nd row depending on the size of the shirt).
A flower pattern on card stock - as you can see from mine, it does not need to be special :)
Some kind of attachment piece, for this I am using a pin.
A hot glue gun.

Using your pattern as a guide, cut out 9 squares of fabric.

Next you will cut flower shapes out of your fabric squares, I like to cut these in stacks of 3. Don't worry about making them all perfect.

You'll see on the right that I also cut out a small circle of felt. And that nothing I have cut, is perfect. :)

Put a dab of hot glue on the center of your felt.

You are going to glue your first 8 flowers in 2 layers of four. Fold each flower in half twice, making a heart like shape.

This is your bottom layer.
Place a 2nd dab of glue in the center.

Glue the 2nd layer on top of the first but place them so that the petals will be off center from each other.

With your final flower, fold it in half as you did the first 8 but then roll it into a cone shape.

Use another dab of glue in the center and place the cone on top so that it stands upright.

Place a tiny bit of glue on a 2nd layer petal, then press the cone and the petal together like the picture on the right.

Do this will all four of the 2nd layer petals. 

Lastly, glue your pin to the underside of the felt and you are done!

Now the next time you need a cute flower for your hair, as a pin, to decorate your favorite Tshirt scarf, all you have to do is go to your closet, pick an old shirt and whip one up!!

I've now made: scarves, bracelets, necklaces and flowers (and was gifted a lovely headband, thank you Samantha Elizabeth), I wonder what else I can make out of old Tshirts?

Have a wonderful day!


1 comment:

  1. mummies here, Hey I have A flower just like that one (: Looks like you've been busy. I do love reading your blog and being your mom too. Feel free to donate any pieces to me. XOXOXO
