Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hey There!

Blogging is something I've been thinking about for a couple of years and now just seemed like the right time to jump in! I've got a lot of extra time on my hands after planning a wedding for 9 months and I needed something to fill that creative void. Not to mention, I love writing and it's been a long time since I was on a regular writing schedule. The only answer to these two problems: a blog!

So why "Creating the World I live in...," you ask? Well that's got a two-fold meaning.

First of all, my mom told me when I was a young girl "You create the world you live in" over and over again. What that means, is that I am responsible for my happiness, my attitude, my opportunities and it's up to me to fulfill myself - no one is going to do that for me. As a surly teenager I used to roll my eyes at her whenever she told me this, which was always during the middle of a whiny girl rant about how life isn't fair.  About the time I reached college though, I realized that she was right, even though I hate to admit it! Since then, I've tried to live up to the meaning of it. It's sort of my philosophy, if you will.

Secondly, being creative is what I love to do! Planning our wedding and doing all those DIY projects awakened a crafter within me and I can't get enough! I am constantly on Pinterest looking at home decor or homemade organizers or some easy at home project that has been pinned and re-pinned. I want to try them ALL! I love the idea of using something ordinary, getting a little creative and repurposing it into something brilliant! Thank God there are plenty of brilliant ideas out there for me to try at home.

So I thought, why not try all these little ideas out and share it with the world! Maybe my creativity will spark some up in someone else. At the very least, we can all make fun of me when I totally mess something up! I used to joke that I have great ideas but the finished product ends up looking like a 5th grader made it (no offense to the 5th graders out there who undoubtedly make better crafts than me), but I'm enthusiastic! And the disasters will be entertaining! That's for sure!

So here, in my little creation corner of the world, I intend to write about all things DIY, probably some new food recipes, showcase the thrift finds of my Vinnies and Goodwill trips, and who knows? Maybe I'll even write something of substance once in a while!

The promise is, though: I will create. And I will write.

Welcome :)